10 Easy Snacks for Labor

10 Snacks for Labor
Let’s be real—labor and delivery are no walk in the park. It’s more like running a marathon! Your body’s doing some serious work to bring a new little human into the world, and it needs all the fuel it can get. Now, I know eating and drinking during labor can be a hot topic, but hear me out—keeping your energy up with good nutrition can make a huge difference. It helps keep you fueled, replaces lost nutrients, and stops you from feeling completely wiped out so that’s why we have compiled some of our favorite snacks to take along with you on this journey!

Should I eat and drink as long as I can during Labor?

YES! Even though I can’t be there with you during your labor, consider this your reminder to fuel your body for the incredible work it’s about to do. The idea of not allowing food or drink during labor in some hospitals just doesn’t make sense to me—it’s not even backed by evidence! It’s like running a marathon without fuel. No runner would ever go without eating or drinking before or during a race, so why would you?

Your mind, body, muscles, and baby all need sustained energy to get through labor, which can be a lengthy process. And that energy comes from the food you eat! Remember, your body thrives on nutrient-dense whole foods, so focus on high protein, fiber, carbs, and healthy fats to keep you strong and energized.

Want to go into birth and postpartum confident?

Research finds that moms who receive childbirth education have less fear and more confidence about the birth process and decrease their risk of unplanned C-sections, inductions, tearing! So what are you waiting for? Let us give you POWER in your birth.

Snacks for During Labor

Plan to bring things that will help keep your energy and hydration levels up. We suggest the How2Mom Protein Energy Balls, MammaChia Squeeze Snacks, TrailMix, Protein Bars, Raw Honey Sticks, LMNT Packs and so much more.

We have listed some of my favorite snacks for your body during labor! Check out those options HERE.

Protein Energy Balls

We are pretty much known for these delicious bites here at How 2 Mom! Whether it be by our kids for a yummy and nutritional snack or better yet, by our clients when they go into labor. Click HERE to get the recipe.

Snacks for Labor Best Protein Balls by How2Mom

Mamma Chia Squeeze Snack

Snacks for Labor Easy on the Go Mamma Chia

With immunity boosting chia and no added sugar, Chia Squeeze is a satisfying anytime snack that naturally provides the vitality to power your birth!

Power Up Trail Mix

Trail mix is easy to snack on and full of those health fats to give you during the long process of labor! There are a lot of options but we have linked one of our favorites.

Snacks for Labor Power Up Premium Trail Mix

Ginger Chews

Ginger Chews as an Easy Snack for labor
Ginger chews are great during labor because they help relieve nausea, which is common due to the physical strain. They provide a quick energy boost with their small sugar content, helping you stay strong without heavy foods. Ginger chews are also easy to digest, making them a perfect light snack.

Honey Sticks

Honey sticks are ideal during labor because they provide a quick energy boost with natural sugars, helping you maintain stamina during the physically demanding process. They’re easy to consume, portable, and won’t upset your stomach.

Honey Sticks Best Snacks for Labor

LMNT Electrolytes

LMNT Electrolytes for Labor
Electrolytes are essential during labor because they help maintain hydration and balance fluids in your body, which is crucial as you sweat and exert energy. They support muscle function, including uterine contractions, and prevent dehydration, which can lead to fatigue and complications.


Pretzels are another snack that is gentle on the stomach and they can provide plenty of carbs for energy – and they are easy! These can also be combined with trail mix, nut butter, cheese sticks, jerky, or hard-boiled eggs for a more filling and protein-rich snack!
Pretzel Snacks for Labor

Quest Protein Bars

Quest Protein Bars as an Easy Snack for Labor
Quest protein bars are great for labor because they provide a balanced mix of protein, fiber, and carbs, offering sustained energy during the physically intense process. They’re convenient, easy to eat, and filling, helping to keep hunger at bay without feeling too heavy.

Ready Made Protein Balls

Protein balls are excellent for labor because they offer a quick, easy-to-eat source of energy, packed with protein and healthy fats to sustain you during the intense process. The protein helps support muscle function and endurance, while ingredients like oats or nuts provide steady energy to keep you going through labor.
Ready Made Protein Balls as an Easy Snack for labor

Pitted Dates

Sun Dried Pitted Dates as an Easy Snack for Labor
Did you know that dates might help improve labor? Some research suggests that eating dates can naturally encourage labor, reduce labor duration, and promote cervix dilation. They also provide a great energy boost and are packed with essential vitamins and nutrients that help replenish your body during this critical time.

Frequently Asked Questions: Snacks During Labor

Can I eat during labor, or should I avoid it altogether?

Generally, YES! Whether you can eat during labor depends on your healthcare provider’s guidelines and the specifics of your labor. Some hospitals allow light snacks, especially during early labor, while others may recommend fasting, particularly if there’s a possibility of needing anesthesia.

What are the best snacks to eat during labor?

The best snacks are light, easily digestible, and energy-boosting (like the list above!). Think of options like fruit, applesauce, toast, crackers, or granola bars. These snacks provide quick energy without being too heavy on the stomach.

Is it safe to drink fluids during labor? What types of drinks are recommended?

Yes, staying hydrated is essential. Water is always a good choice, but you can also opt for electrolyte drinks, coconut water, or clear broths. These help replenish fluids and maintain energy levels during labor.

Why is eating and drinking during labor sometimes considered controversial?

The controversy arises mainly due to concerns about the risk of aspiration if emergency anesthesia is needed. However, many experts believe that the benefits of maintaining energy and hydration during labor often outweigh the risks, especially with less invasive births.

Are there any snacks I should avoid while in labor?

It’s best to avoid heavy, fatty, or spicy foods as they can be harder to digest and may cause nausea. Stick to bland, simple snacks that won’t upset your stomach.

Nourishing your body with the right snacks and hydration during labor can make a significant difference in your energy levels, comfort, and overall experience. Whether it’s ginger chews to ease nausea, honey sticks for a quick energy boost, or protein-rich snacks to sustain your strength, choosing the right foods can help you stay strong and focused throughout labor. Looking to know what else you should be bringing to labor? Don’t forget to check out our Hospital Bag Checklist! Remember, every birth experience is unique, so consult with your healthcare provider to determine what works best for you.

Cheers to snacking!

If you are interested in diving deeper into prenatal nutrition, set up a free consult with our very own Registered Dietitioan Nutritionist, Haley Miskowiec.

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10 Easy Snacks for Labor

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