10 Medical Terms Every Pregnant Woman Should Know – For Labor

Empowering Your Birth Journey: 10 Medical Terms Every Mom Should Know.

The journey of labor and birth is both exciting and full of unknowns. In those pivotal moments, understanding what’s happening with your body can help you feel more confident and empowered. Knowing the medical terms your care team might use during labor can turn uncertainty into clarity, allowing you to make informed decisions and feel more in control.

In this blog, I’ll share 10 labor and birth terms every expecting mom should know, so you can approach your big day with knowledge and confidence.

Want to go into birth and postpartum confident?

Research finds that moms who receive childbirth education have less fear and more confidence about the birth process and decrease their risk of unplanned C-sections, inductions, tearing! So what are you waiting for? Let us give you POWER in your birth.

Here are 10 key medical terms every pregnant woman should know related to labor and birth:

1. Contractions

This one I’m sure you know bu tit is good to have a reminder. Contractions are the tightening of the uterine muscles, which help dilate the cervix and push the baby through the birth canal. They typically become stronger and more regular as labor progresses and last between 30 and 90 seconds.

2. Crowning

The point during birth when the baby’s head becomes visible at the vaginal opening, signaling that delivery is imminent.

3. Epidural

A common form of pain relief during labor. It involves an injection of anesthesia into the space around the spinal nerves in the lower back, numbing the lower half of the body.

4. Perineal Tear

A tear in the tissue between the vagina and the anus that can occur during childbirth as the baby’s head passes through. Tears are classified into degrees, with first-degree being minor and fourth-degree being the most sever. Please don’t panic, there are ways to help prevent or lessen the degree of tearing.

5. Episiotomy

A surgical cut made in the perineum to enlarge the vaginal opening during delivery, though this is less commonly performed than in the past. Again, it is just important to know what terms are that might be brought up during labor and birth.

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6. Fetal Heart Monitoring

The process of tracking the baby’s heart rate during labor, either continuously or intermittently, to ensure the baby is tolerating labor well.

7. Pitocin

A synthetic form of oxytocin, often used to induce or augment labor by increasing the frequency and intensity of contractions.

8. Station

Refers to the baby’s position in relation to the pelvis during labor. It is measured in numbers from -5 to +5 meaning the baby is crowning.

9. Transition

The final phase of the first stage of labor when the cervix dilates from 7 to 10 centimeters. This phase is often the most intense, leading directly into the pushing stage.

10. Meconium

The baby’s first stool, which may be present in the amniotic fluid during labor. It can be a sign of fetal distress if inhaled by the baby during birth.

How 2 Mom team including doulas as well as other support individuals

Preparing for the Big Day: Support and Confidence.

As you prepare to welcome your baby, understanding these key terms can help you feel more empowered and ready for the experience ahead. However, labor and birth can still bring unexpected moments and new terminology. That’s where working with one of our How2Mom doulas can make a world of a difference.

A doula not only provides emotional and physical support but can also help you navigate any additional medical terms or decisions that come up during labor. With one of our trusted doulas by your side, you’ll have a knowledgeable advocate to guide you through the process, ensuring you feel supported, informed, and confident every step of the way.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a birth Doula by definition?

The derivative of the word “doula” comes from ancient Greece, where it originally meant “a woman who serves.” Today, the term Birth Doula refers to a professionally trained, non-medical person (male or female) who offers continuous support to a mother throughout her prenatal care, labor, and childbirth. Doulas provide a comforting presence, help with pain management techniques, and advocate for the mother’s preferences, making the birthing experience as positive and empowering as possible.

Do Birth Doulas deliver Babies?

We’ll start off by saying “no” to that! Haha. We will leave that to the medical professionals 🙂

The term doula can apply to many different roles. Today, we are discussing what a Birth Doula is and what role we play during your growing family’s journey.

What does a Birth Doula do?

As Doulas, we recognize that birth is an experience families will remember for the rest of their lives! Our purpose is to make this memory the most meaningful and wonderful that it could possibly be.

  • We assist the family in preparing and carrying out their plans for birth; going over desires, key things to avoid, pain relief options, and exercises and techniques to help position baby optimally for the birthing journey (ie – Spinning Babies).
  • We provide emotional support, physical comfort measures, and an objective viewpoint.
  • We hold your space; creating a calming, comfortable environment for you in whatever way that may be. Whether you prefer silence, or a labor playlist; being surrounded by loved ones, or alone with your partner. We are there to make sure your space is held sacred.
  • We facilitate communication between the birthing person, their family, and medical professionals.
  • We deeply understand the anatomy and physiology of the birthing process as it is our passion.

This way, we can help you to understand where things are at as medical professionals keep track of their portion. It is our goal to make sure you know all that is happening during your journey and are able to make informed decisions with your partner.

Thank you for Being Here!

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