After every storm, comes a Rainbow

Rainbow Babies carry a special feeling...

When we’re young and naive, we all think that having a baby comes easy peasy. The truth is, it is a complete and utter miracle. Today we’re here to discuss a very bittersweet subject: Rainbow Babies. For those who may not know of the term, a Rainbow Baby is the child born to a couple following a miscarriage, stillborn, or death of an infant.

The healing love they bring

Choosing to have another baby after loosing a child looks different for every couple; just as grief and healing does. For some, it may take months to years to open their hearts to the idea of conceiving again. For others, they feel ready as soon as possible. No matter when a couple is ready, that is the right time for THEM. If you are in the healing part of your journey and need an outlet, just someone to listen, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. We have members who have been “in your shoes” so to speak. We know this is beyond difficult to process, and that is putting it lightly. Our love goes out to you full heartedly. Losing a child is something no parent should ever have to suffer, and sadly, this is something that far to many people endure. Whether your little one was lost in the early stages of pregnancy, or days after bringing baby home, our deepest sympathies are with you and your loved ones.

Finding out you’re pregnant after a loss can bring an onslaught of emotions; from happiness to fear, anxiety to complete awe. No matter what a person may feel, there is no right or wrong answer! This is a difficult thing to process for anyone who has suffered a loss. But as the pregnancy progresses, and once that little one is born and safe in your arms, a very strong bond is formed. Your Rainbow Baby will forever hold a special place in your heart as the joy brought into life after a storm.

Having a child after the irreparable hurt of losing one brings on a whole new kind of love. The appreciation that you have for the miracle before you is something different than others experience; something that only those who have experienced loss can truly understand. For those reading this who have a Rainbow Baby as a part of their family, we are elated for you! And if your Rainbow Baby is still a future dream, we send so many healing thoughts your way. As always, our team is here to support our community members in any way possible. Don’t hesitate to reach out!


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