What to do, what to do??....
As we all know, there are varying opinions on just about EVERYTHING now-a-days, especially when it comes to motherhood! One of the first choices you make for your family is whether or not you choose to outline a birth plan. At How2Mom, we believe you don’t need to plan out every little detail, but having a broad spectrum idea of important preferences is a must. Hospitals these days actually prefer that we reference these as Birth Preferences vs. Birth Plans. This is only because birth can’t really be planned, however we can do the work prior to so that we are educated, knowledgeable, and an active participant in our birth.
Writing a Birth Plan doesn’t mean everything will go exactly according to plan, although that would be great. But it does empower us to know our options prior to being in active labor. We tell our clients all the time that this will just give the entire staff and your team a quick glimpse and idea of what type of person you are, and your desires for this huge moment in your life. Another great advantage of having a Birth Plan is if and when things take a detour, that doesn’t mean the entire plan gets thrown out. Your team can rally together and find a way to get back to the plan, or at least still provide some important wishes and desires you have.
Do you want to labor alone with your partner, or with a team? Would you like your mother present? How do you feel about delayed cord clamping? Skin to skin? These are all important things you’ll want to have planned before the contractions begin 🙂
Figuring out your birth plan isn’t all that difficult. Try to keep it concise; one page should be sufficient to lay out your most valued aspects of your birthing journey. As Birth Doulas, we help our clients put this document together.
However if hiring a Birth Doula isn’t in the cards for you but you would still like some help, How2Mom also offers a Birth Plan Assistance Package where we will guide you through questions you may have about your birth wishes, concerns, or fears. We will provide you with worksheets and cover what labor may look like, medications & interventions that could be offered, and a list of choices and planning options you can discuss and decide prior to labor starting. You will walk away with a Birth Plan document to bring along to your birth.
But to help out our Mama community now, we have created a Freebie Birth Plan Outline for your use! Please note, this is not a Birth Plan or Preference sheet, but rather a FREE worksheet to just help you begin to think about what you would like that space to look like, and some of the options available. We truly hope you find this helpful and wish you the best on your path to parenthood; whether this be your first or your 5th birth, happy planning! 🙂