Who is ready to feel better?!...
At How 2 Mom, we know all too well what pregnancy nausea can feel like. How it can interfere with the day-to-day tasks you’re trying to accomplish. How it can cause you to miss out on important activities and life events you want to attend.
Pregnancy can be a beautiful and exciting time, but pregnancy can also be REALLY hard, especially if you’re experiencing morning sickness. According to the American Pregnancy Association, more than 50% of women experience nausea during pregnancy. I’d say the number is probably much higher, but the extent of the symptoms may vary.
There is not a single cause for morning sickness, but rather a list of factors. Your body is experiencing so many changes, including increased hormones, you may have low blood sugar, and/or a heightened sense of smell. All of which can be contributing factors to pregnancy nausea.
Most women will start to experience morning sickness around 6 weeks and for some, this is how you found out you were expecting! In most cases, that nausea feeling should subside around 12 weeks, but that is a very general time frame. Also in most cases, morning sickness, even occasional vomiting is not harmful to you or baby. However, if you are experiencing excessive vomiting, to the point that you are unable to keep food down, you may have Hyperemsis Gravidarum and this condition can be harmful if it goes untreated!
In summary, you’re not alone! Which is why we are here with a list of remedies that we have personally found helpful in our pregnancies and the pregnancies of our clients.
Nausea Remedies
1. Try to take your Prenatal Vitamin at Night!
If you’re taking a high-quality vitamin, you may not have enough food yet in your stomach to absorb all the nutrients and minerals. Try changing things up and take your vitamins at night before bed. This may help decrease the nausea.
2. Hydrate
We all know that hydration is SO important in general, but especially in early pregnancy. And an increase in fluids could help with nausea, but try to drink fluids only between meals. If you have to drink during meals, limit the amount to keep from feeling over full. You can try bubbly and lemon water as well!
3. Smaller but more Frequent Protein-Packed Meals
Keep snacks available everywhere and at all times! When you start to feel nauseous, try to munch on something bland. Eat a snack right when you wake up and before going to bed.
4. Skip Certain Foods & Smells
If you feel an aversion, listen to your body.
5. Peppermint & Ginger
Eating or sniffing something containing peppermint can help lower your level of nausea. You can use mints, gum, oil, or tea for this.
Ginger is a popular natural remedy to treat nausea as a result of its tummy-taming properties. You can consume ginger through the root, soda, tea, or snaps.
We prefer and recommend you try Earth Mama Organic’s Morning Wellness Tea, which is a ginger-mind blend, and perfect to help prevent occasional morning sickness and nausea!
6. Breathing Techniques
Controlled breathing has been found to effectively reduce the feeling of nausea. You want to inhale deeply through your nose for a count of three, then hold for a count of three, and exhale out of the mouth to the count of three.
7. Exercise
A gentle and short walk can do wonders for your body. Exercise can help release endorphins to counteract nausea.
8. Chiropractic Care, Acupuncture & Acupressure
Alternative Medicine Professionals, especially those who specialize in pregnancy can be a game-changer for women who are experiencing morning sickness. Through their treatments, they align and hit certain nerve centers in the body which can decrease nausea.
We have spent years networking with local professionals here in the Twin Cities for our clients, and would love to share the list with all of you as well. Please visit our Resource Directory to find providers who may be able to help you today with your morning sickness symptoms.
9. Sea Bands
Another Eastern Medicine option is wearing these stretchy bracelets that put pressure on a nerve in the center of your wrist which can help relieve nausea!
10. Over the Counter Medication
Vitamin B6 & Unisom Supplements can be helpful in reducing nausea, just be sure to pick the pregnancy-safe Unisom.
11. Prescription Medication
If you don’t have much success reducing or eventually eliminating your morning sickness, your provider may suggest and prescribe an Anti-Nausea Medication like Zofran.
That's a wrap!
We really hope these suggestions help so you can start to enjoy your pregnancy a little more! We would love for you to comment below with any additions to this list, or let us know if any of our suggestions worked!
But remember, if you find that you are frequently vomiting and unable to keep down food or water down, please speak with your provider right away to avoid issues with dehydration or untreated Hyperemesis Gravidirum.

Medical Disclaimer: All content and information is for informational and educational purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice and does not establish any kind of patient-client relationship. Although we strive to provide accurate general information, the information presented here is not a substitute for any kind of professional advice, and you should not rely solely on this information.
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