Clients often ask us about what medications are safe to take while pregnant and/or breastfeeding for a number of symptoms. Although we always suggest checking with your provider, we thought we would also share our answers with all of you! We hope this list is helpful.
How are medications are classified and what considers them safe?
Each medication is evaluated by the FDA. They then release information regarding the drug and list the potential risks associated. When I was pregnant, they used to grade each drug with an A, B, C, D, or X depending if that medication is recommended based on the potential to cause birth defects if used during pregnancy. Then as consumers, we are able to weigh the risks vs. benefits, but the system has recently been updated to “allow better patient-specific counseling and informed decision making for pregnant women seeking medication therapies”. You can find more information regarding classification and details for each individual drug by visiting There you will find a pregnancy subsection which will provide information about dosing and potential risks to the developing fetus. Long story short, the decision to take a medication should be made by the patient, with help and guidance from your provider and with the information and guidelines laid out by the FDA.
Headache Medications:
- Excedrin Tension Headache (not Excedrin Migraine)
- Tylenol
Constipation & Diarrhea Medications:
- Colace
- Metamucil
- Citrucel
- Benefiber
- Milk of Magnesia
- Miralax
- Imodium A-D
Heartburn & Nausea
- Rolaids
- Maalox
- Mylanta
- Nexium
- Pepcid
- Prevacid
- Prilosec
- Tagamet
- Vitamin B6 with Doxylamine
Sleep Aids
- Unisom
- Tylenol PM
- Nytol
We hope you feel better, mama!
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