The Importance of Your Birth Story

Yay! Your Baby is FINALLY here!!!......

Every Birth Story is completely unique. This is something that can never be argued. At How 2 Mom, we strongly believe that acknowledging your birth story, whether that be by private journaling or in a group setting, is highly important.

Expressing your story can help one relish in their triumphs, or overcome deep feelings of trauma. Telling it to a close friend, your journal, or even a pet, can be healing in so many ways. Here are some of the reasons why we feel Birth Stories are so significant (in no particular order):

1) You deserve to be PROUD

Growing a human-being is hard work! You should be PROUD of whatever way your little one entered the world; whether that be by cesarean, vaginal, medicated, unmedicated, surrogate, or one of the many other ways a child becomes a part of your family! The day they left the womb and joined you in the outside world is something you deserve to feel passionate about.

"Wherever and however you intend to give birth, your experience will impact your emotions, your mind, your body, & your spirit for the rest of your life"
~Ina May Gaskin

2) You deserve to process the TRAUMA

Often times birthing families look back on their experience with feelings of trauma or heartache. These feelings are just as important to respect as those of triumph and joy. Unfortunately our society teaches us that if baby is healthy, then that’s all that matters. Please hear this…You can be thrilled and thankful that your baby is here, and still have strong emotions about how they got here. Sharing your Birth Story can help one process, grieve, cope, accept and heal from the pain. Sharing can also help some people gain perspective from others around you who may have experienced something similar. Please know that How 2 Mom is always a safe space to express yourself. Whether that be by phone call, private e-mail, or public comments. We are here to support mothers through all aspects of their lives. The good, the bad, and the hard.

"Although the popularity desired outcome is 'healthy mother, healthy baby,' I think there is room in that equation for 'happy, non-traumatized, empowered and elated mother and baby'."
~Ashley Booth Young

3) You deserve to be HEARD

So much of pregnancy and parenthood is other people telling you what is happening, what is going to happen, and giving advice, whether that be unsolicited or not! Now that your child has been born, it’s YOUR turn to talk! Find someone you trust and who is interested in hearing your story (*hint hint, we ALWAYS love hearing Birth Stories!*). Share ALL of the details. Every. Last. One! Not only what happened, but how you felt! It is so nice to have someone listen intently to your journey, and you have definitely earned that! Your story is important and deserves to be heard. Share away mama!

"The way a baby enters this world deeply matters. And the way a woman remembers her birth deeply matters"
~Kiersten Labzda

Interested in Attending a Birth Story Sharing Event?!

At How 2 Mom, we host QUARTERLY, in person Birth Story Events! Follow us on Social Media and sign up for our newsletter so you don’t miss a beat or the details for our next Birth Story Event! We would love nothing more than to hear your story!

"Childbirth is an experience in a woman's life that holds the power to transform her forever"
~Suzanne Arms


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