Why Network Marketing isn’t all bad

Isn't Network Marketing a pyramid scheme?

Network Marketing isn’t all bad! I actually think it’s quite the opposite, although I know some experiences with certain individuals can leave a bad taste in your mouth! There are a lot of misconceptions or bad assumptions surrounding Network Marketing and we are here today to share our experiences and to explain why we love it, not hate it. 

It seems that people either get it and support network marketing companies, or hate them and think they are a scheme. I will say, it all could depend on the company and how they conduct business.  For the most part, a legitimate network marketing company, also known as a Multi-Level Marketing company (MLM), is completely legal.  These businesses are simply paying their Marketing Executives for referrals of sales. Differently, a pyramid scheme is a business model that recruits members via a promise of payments for recruiting other members, which is illegal. Can you see the difference?  A MLM business model is through trade in legal products or services.

I have only ever worked for or supported networking marketing companies that don’t require their executives to order large bulk of products, to then desperately force others into purchasing. I also have only worked for or supported companies that have outstanding products that are known for solving problems for families and are making a difference in our well-being!  These are businesses that I can get behind with full support.

I have a deep love for Network Marketing actually, and for me it runs far deeper than making money. A lot of people are surprised when they learn that my business started because of a network marketing and that’s actually how I was able to start and build How 2 Mom six years ago. The reason why my love runs deep is because starting a network marketing business six years ago is how I was able to transition home from Corporate America to being home with my baby, McKenzie. I was miserable working out of the home 40+ hours a week and being away from my baby.  I felt like there had to be more to life than working to have a family, and having no time to spend with them. Though working out of the home can be more fulfilling for some personalities, I was devastated, unhealthy, and unhappy. 

Starting was scary and hard, but if it meant that I could still financially contribute to my household, have a passion project outside of my mom and wife role, AND spend most of my hours with my kids, I was ALL in! Taking this scary step has done so much more than just pay the bills. It gave me the skills and confidence to think bigger and become an entrepreneur. It helped me prioritize my health, my happiness, and my family. And it has brought me to all of you. 

We’re not here today to necessarily change your mind or talk you into becoming a Network Marketer, but just to tell you our story and maybe help you understand why building a network marketing business may be more than selling products for some. I will agree that just like all industries, there are some network marketers that give us a bad name. I am not, and never will be someone who hounds friends to make a sale. I will share my life, my products and my passion with the world, and if what I am sharing could help you, that’s when I will go into more details. 

Even if my network marketing businesses (I now have two, plus How 2 Mom) are not where I spend most of my time these days, I will always share the power of what network marketing income can do because it has given me the abilities to stay home, to start and fund a brand new business that I can call my own, and the ability to give away my time and share free content with moms who need it most because my time is compensated elsewhere. Actually, it would be terrible for me to NOT share this information because if it can help another mom stay home or start a business, that is a huge win!  

Here are 10 Reasons why I love Network Marketing...

Work from Anywhere

Literally anywhere! Work from your phone at your kids soccer game, on the beach, at home, from your bed….

Earn more, work less

This is not meant to be deceive you. Building a thriving network marketing business isn’t easy and it does take time and work, but the amount of work for the dollars received, especially after you build a foundation is pretty outstanding.

Make your own schedule

You can be both busy and present with your kids and also run a business. With network marketing, you can work early in the morning or in the middle of the night! It was the best way to spend my days with my kids and work in the cracks of the days. Was it always easy…No! Was it always worth it…Yes!

More family time and the ability to be a SAHM

Again, you can work from anywhere, anytime so that you can be with your family!

Start your own business

Building a network marketing business gave me the skills and financial ability to actually start my own business!

Grow your own social skills and mindset

Through all the trainings, networking and new contacts building a network marketing business can bring, you will more than likely learn skills and more about yourself than you would not being involved in network marketing. You may also gain some pretty incredible friendships with people you wouldn’t have met otherwise.

Low cost & financed business with small business benefits

Most network marketing companies grant you the ability to build a business when you become a customer. Sometimes there are additional fees, but if so, they are pretty minimal. Building a network marketing business requires low costs upfront and the company itself finances all of the things you would normal have to pay for as a small business owner. But the huge benefit is you still get to claim certain deductions when it comes to tax season as a small business owner. Win Win.

No employees, No billing, No invoicing

Not only do you not have to finance all of the things as a small business owner, but you also don’t have to do the same type of work as a small business. You earn a commission for sales but you don’t have to worry about billing or invoicing, the company usually handles all that for you.

Residual income

Each network marketing company pays out commissions a little differently, but some provide the opportunity to receive what’s called Residual Income. This is where the magic happens and how you can do the work once, and continue to get paid for that account over and over again. It’s truly how I have been able to put in little work these days in my network marketing business, but still reap the benefits of a monthly income.

Profit almost immediately

As a small business owner with lots of costs, it can take years before you see a profit. In order to build a business, you have to invest a lot and build everything from the ground up making earning a profit pretty difficult at first. With network marketing, if you make a sale, you receive a percentage!

Here’s the thing, we talk about our favorite stores, restaurants and applications all the time, referring others to support, buy, or try the things we suggest, we just don’t necessarily get paid for those referrals. I love when my friends get it. It’s not about pressure, it’s about support. You are buying the products anyway and someone is benefiting, usually the rich CEOs, so why not someone you love instead! To me, network marketing isn’t much different than what we see in traditional businesses, it just all depends on who you are working with and how open you are to see it!

Another blog we published about Network Marketing...


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  1. Thanks for finally writing about > Why Network Mareting isn't all bad – How2Mom | Birth Support, Online Birthing
    Classes, Resources for New Moms < Liked it!

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